Akira Toriyama draws Ayumi Hamasaki

【リリース情報】2月25日(水)NEW SINGLE「Rule/Sparkle」発売決定!!

3月13日より世界に先駆けて日本で先行公開される映画「DRAGONBALL Evolution」全世界テーマソングの「Rule」と、
Honda ZEST SPARK CMソングとしてオンエアされて話題の「Sparkle」!
DVDには、「Rule」のMusic ClipとMaking Clipを収録!

映画『DRAGONBALL Evolution』(3月13日公開)の全世界テーマソングを担当することが決まったことで、


There you go. Manga artist Akira Toriyama has agreed to draw Ayumi Hamasaki as the character Goku from Toriyama's famous Dragon Ball manga for her new single cover, Rule/Sparkle (the single is also used for the soundtrack of the Dragon Ball movie). This is the second time Ayu uses cartoon or manga in her single image. The first one is from the single 'Connected' (the song from her I Am... album)

You can download the Honda Zest Spark CM here to listen to Sparkle (the song has been featured in the commercial). (the link belongs to Divine Ayu website)

I also had tried searching for Connected music video in YouTube but I cannot find a single one, maybe because of copyright thing. But it is available from other video source here. I love Connected music video (they call it PV-Promotional Video in Japan) because I think the anime element in that PV is so cool! I hope Sparkle PV by Mr. Toriyama is cool as well :)

Oh, Happy 10th Anniversary to Ayumi Hamasaki music career!

