Of Many Things

There are so many things evolve in my head everyday, give me some sort of urgency to blog it out. But I am currently not in a mood to elaborate and lengthening the sentences for any kind of writings, my head is spinning around, and I just had a fever yesterday, and a mild one today. It has been so hot in Malaysia lately, albeit the usual rainy season. Blame it to the global warming I guess.

I think I just point out some of the things in my head recently. Some of them might get special attention for further elaboration but for the time being, let it be.

1-Che Det open letter to Barack Obama - funny and witty in Che Det way, I am totally going to give him a standing ovation if this speech is given right from his mouth in any occasion. The time has come for the States to change their foreign policy, respect the UN and sign the Kyoto Protocol.

2-Although I love to read some of the magazine like TIME, Newsweek, GQ and National Geographic, it doesn't change my opinion towards some of the global issues. Apart from these mags, I am a big fan of Monocle. Do check it out. It covers all topics that took my interest, politics, economy, environmental and also fashion. It costs about RM50 here for one latest issue of Monocle, so I prefer to buy the backdated issue which costs only RM10 in mamak news stand! They had listed 20 new heroes who deserve a bigger stage to 10 clever companies to watch in 2009 but since I am not a subscriber, I can only wait until next month to read it. And they just opened their merchandise shop in London! I am so excited to buy some of the their suitcase (join with Porter) and furniture, but they're so pricey and London is not my future stopover anytime soon. They also had named Munich to be the most livable city in the world (last year ranking), and that easily make Munich to be plotted in my travel map.

3-I just finished reading Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata. Nope, they're not Japanese. Andrea Hirata is actually an Indonesian novelist from Billiton (Pulau Belitong, Indonesia), kilometres away from Borneo. The Billiton people is actually Malay, so they speak Malay just like I do. Laskar Pelangi is about 10 poor children in Billiton who strive to live the best in their life, including to get better education for better future. I must say it has been years since I read Malay novel, let alone a good one, but I'm glad that Laskar Pelangi is one of them.

4-With Gaza Carnage 2008 issue and some of personal issues, I started put my interest in Islam Reformist and try to find some info from the Internet and books. My findings stumbled upon Tariq Ramadan and Muhammad Yunus. I tried to buy their books in Kinokuniya KLCC, but there's no stock left and I need to wait until end of the month to get them. More about them soon.

5-With my resolution to start learning how to play oboe, I tried searching for the instrument from major music instrument shop in Kuala Lumpur, but unfortunately, they're not available. To make it worse, some of the staff even don't know what is oboe. I reckon classical music is not a mainstream genre among music fan in Malaysia, thus not many people actually know what is oboe, and its influence in modern mainstream music. Coy mentioned in her blog that there is one neighborhood area in Tokyo, called Ochanomizu, known for its various musical instrument stores. I hope oboe is available there since I know there are few famous Japanese oboist (is that the right terminology?) so they're more exposed I guess. My sister even had told me she wants a new violin and PSP when I go to Japan (unfortunately sis, your brother is not Bill Gates or Mittal whosoever!).

6-I have added one more new resolution in my previous list, which is to buy Panasonic LX-3 and shoot more awesome pictures. Materialistic I am, I know.

Okay that's all for today's ramblings. This topic will be explained more in later posts. Have a good day everyone!


Little Samourai said...

Yes, they have datuk nenek oboe in Ochanomizu! :)

Btw, I have Muhammad Yunus' Banker to the Poor. A very good read and very enlightening.

fidanuar said...

oh really? good! i asked one music store in sg wang, and they have yamaha's oboe on stock. but, it costs about rm6k! *jaw-dropped*

yes, i want to read Muhammad Yunus's Banker to the Poor but I plan to buy it together with my endless list of books:p
