War and Reconciliation

And finally Japan get his shares on H1N1 influenza strain. Two students and one teacher who returning back from a student exchange program in Canada complaining that they have flu-like symptoms and quickly quarantined once they arrived in Narita.

And coincidently, Canada reported their first death of the influenza strain.

World without borders. Globalization. That's the fact of world we live in today. If knowledge, cultures and sex tapes can spread all over the globe in split seconds, why can't a virus do the same thing?

More on the global note, Pope Benedict XVI had called for an interfaith reconciliation, on his second day tour of Middle East. Al Jazeera reported him quoting 'He said Muslims and Christians must strive to be seen as faithful worshippers of God "because of the burden of our common history" that has often been marked by misunderstanding'. I'm not his fan, let alone a Christian but I do agree with him about the fact that all of us need to love each other and reconcile. Hating each other and killing people is just beyond insanity. The fact that many Muslims, Christian and even Jews had been killed by the name of war is something that need to be stopped.

Spread the love and today's Mother's Day. To my mum...

'Happy Mother's Day, Mak!. Untuk Mak paling hebat di dunia (overrated I know, but who cares, she's my mum!), Daus sayang Mak dunia dan akhirat dan mengucapkan mak berada dalam kesihatan yang baik dan kekal muda selalu dengan SKII! :)'

My Malay now sounds a bit rusty. The effect of talking Japanese, English and slang-ish Malay for so long. Masa untuk memperkasa bahasa ibunda, mungkin?

'Hanya cinta yang 'kan selalu
menyembuhkan sgala luka
Hanya cinta yang 'kan selalu
bisa membuktikan semua
keindahan hidup'
-Marcell, Hidup 2008


N'war said...

Itu lagu Indonesia la.

fidanuar said...

oh lagu tuh takde kene mengena dengan post mengenai bahasa melayu. tapi pasal cinta dan keamanan. harap maklum:)
