The Sunao MInd


I had read 'The Art and Wisdom of Management: His Life and Management Philosophy' by Konosuke Matsushita, the founder of Panasonic and Matsushita Corporation. And it is not just my other normal reading, which I do just to fill my empty pastimes and to kill the time, this one is more like a homework. I need to submit a report, sort of a blurb and comment regarding the management style of Matsushita-san and a bit about the history of his life.

One of the Matsushita management style is 'Sunao' mind. Sunao, as described by Matsushita-san himself that there is no direct translation for the word in English, is actually the level of human mind where it becomes free, transparent and able to decide and think without any prejudice. The sunao mind, he said, is the main factor for Matsushita successful business and management style all this while. He claimed that by having sunao mind, it had give him the opportunity to decide the best decision for his company and business, no matter how hard the economic and political situation that affect the business.

I found Matsushita-san philosophy has many similarities with the Islamic philosophy of life. By having unbiased and no prejudice mentality and state of mind. By having the attitude that everyone has their own responsibilities to the society. And to know that everyone has their own limitation and thus, don't go overboard.

It saddened me to realize that some Muslim doesn't even practice this philosophy in their life, let alone in their business. It frightened me even more to realize that some Muslim do the total opposite things than one's should follow in Islamic way, but then claimed their wrong act to be Islamic. What a shame.

I was at first thought that this one will just end up as other normal assignments and normal report writings. Man, was I wrong. I finished the last page with new perspective of life, a fresh thoughts on my mission, and of course, seed of a sunao mind just started growing inside of me.

1. On a more personal note, I'm still busy revising my math for the entrance exam this August. がんばれ,がんばれ,もっとがんばれ!
2. Done with Murakami Haruki's Kafka on The Shore. Awesome, my big applause. Really wanna read his latest 1Q84. Really.


nabito said...

okay so I just pass by your blog (after searching for konosuke matsushita image), accidentally!

I am a new PSS2011 and thinking about putting my homework on my blog page, quite surprize to see someone really did it before :)

anyway, see you on summer fest man!

fidanuar said...

What a coincidence!

Nice to meet you. I'm PSS 2009 from Malaysia. I reckon you are from Thailand, so you must know somebody from my batch (Mook, Isarun and Saetho)

I fully moved to Tumblr and has never updated my blogger any longer, so was kinda surprised to see somebody leaves comment here haha.

Good luck in your essay and see you this summer festival!
